ICAP postpone solidarity projects due to the consequences of the pandemic: Message to the World Movement of Solidarity with Cuba

Havana, June 16, 2020
Year 62 of the Revolution

To friends and solidarity organizations with Cuba in the world:

The Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP) while reiterating its solidarity with all those who suffer and resist the scourge of the new coronavirus, expresses its deepest gratitude to the Solidarity Movement with Cuba and to all the friends who have supported our people in the difficult situation faced by humanity due to the COVID-19 incidence.

Because of the consequences caused by the pandemic in the world and in Cuba, ICAP has decided to postpone the traditional solidarity projects that we receive in the second half of each year. Such are the cases of the brigades Venceremos from United States, Juan Rius Rivera from Puerto Rico, José Martí from Europe, the Latin-American and Caribbean Brigade, 60th anniversary of ICAP, Nordic, Southern Cross Brigade from Australia and New Zealand, South American as well as the Pastors for Peace Caravan. Receiving these projects, in current conditions is practically impossible. That is why, they are delayed until epidemiological safety conditions recommend their realization. During that time we invite you to strengthen and increase all your solidarity actions on the virtual environment.

Despite the adverse situations created by the new coronavirus and the intensification of the blockade, in the current year in which we celebrate the 60th anniversary of the ICAP creation, we ratify to continue honoring the legacy of our founder, Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro, who affirmed “being internationalist means paying our own debt with humanity. Whoever cannot fight for others will never be sufficiently able to fight for themselves”

We will continue united the fight for a better world, which is not only possible, today more than ever, it is essential.

Fernando González Llort


Esta entrada fue publicada en Bloqueo, Cuba, de Solidaridad, ICAP, Solidaridad y etiquetada , . Guarda el enlace permanente.

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